How To Attract Abundance While On A Spiritual Path

How do we attract material wealth while on a spiritual path?


‘Spiritual path’ can mean a million different things to people; it’s up to you to interpret what that means to you. For me it means what you’re doing and the difference it’s making. It’s not about money, but money can become a byproduct of being on a spiritual path, when you’re actively living your life’s purpose, and you put your calling into action.

I’m going to share the shift in mindset and internal language you need to choose to start attracting abundance, and the three steps you can do right now to change everything.


Enjoying a fantastic dinner in Santiago!


We tend to think we need to START something to create wealth and abundance – but it’s more about STOPPING things you’re currently doing. In life things are created by action, and ACTION creates results. My advice is – stop thinking about wanting to create wealth, and start thinking about how you’re creating lack of abundance – poverty – money issues – living month-to-month.

How am I creating this lack of money? Actions create and you are living in the results of your past actions right now. But here are three things you can immediately implement to stop creating the lack, and start attracting wealth and prosperity.

  1. Get over ‘creation guilt.’

A lot of people know somewhere deep inside they could create something significant. But what stops them is an unconscious guilt and need to not out-perform the people around them. It’s seems crazy but is really common.


  • Make a decision to employ yourself well and start to service what’s important, over what’s urgent.
  • Be willing to bet on yourself. Stop wishing for more recognition at work, or for the next promotion. Start making pro-active actions to further your abilities.
  • Go for something big and scary. Rise above the comfort zone and trust in your resilience.
  1. Stop thinking in terms of ‘lack of money/ debt/ poverty’



Here we are exploring Valparaiso (again :o)


You’re creating poverty because you’re thinking in terms of poverty. People who create wealth start thinking in terms of abundance, prosperity and wealth. Make the shift.


  • Stop thinking in terms of debt; it’s too expensive; I’m broke. Start thinking I CAN start a budget; I deserve more; I’m worthy of the opportunity for wealth.
  • Don’t say you can’t afford it – it’s a cop out. You’re putting a limiting belief on yourself. Don’t cut off the possibility.
  • Don’t begrudge other people’s profits. Pay what is fair value. What’s valuable differs between everyone, so if you see it’s value, pay it’s worth.
  1. Change your abundance equation by developing a servant’s heart.

This is a concept from Andy Andrews’ The Travellers Gift and I fell in love with it.

  • Think first about the service you provide. What you receive in payment is secondary, especially at the beginning of your experience.
  • Don’t negotiate yourself down. Don’t allow someone to haggle the price and value you’ve chosen for your service.
  • Money is a promise. It’s a promise of value now, and value in the future. It’s energy, but what you use money for that is a difference maker. And if you have a servant’s heart then what you use money for is a paying for is value.

By implementing these steps, and making this valuable mindset shift you are already creating a new wealth outcome for yourself. You are attracting prosperity just by changing your thoughts and dialogue around money.

Abundance truly is the natural state in life and when you approach every day with the right mindset then wealth becomes a byproduct of staying on path in mind, body and spirit.

Listen to your gut, go forth and prosper!

Shane Krider