Achieving Goals

Understanding your values and staying committed to living your life in alignment with what’s really important to you makes all the difference in your ability to achieve both your short- and long-term goals. And this understanding will have a direct impact on your level of happiness and your self-image.


There are two sides to every person. There’s your lower self; the day-to-day ‘you’ living the carrot-and-the-stick life, taking shortcuts and dealing with every-day thoughts and activities. And then there’s your true-self. The person you can be if you look past all the distractions. Being true to your values will bring your life in alignment with your true, real, deeper self.

Attending to Our Values

Your values create your life. If your life isn’t going well, it’s because your value-alignment isn’t working. In order to fix it, you’ll need courage, clarity and purpose. Be decisive in what you’re goint to do to start creating your life. Some have to hit a low point in order to see this. For others, it’s simply a switch that clicks. Either way, the values that you give your attention to today are going to determine everything about the life you live tomorrow, including your health, wealth, relationships and ability to create.

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